Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Attention is a Little Overwhelming

Jamie Oliver's official website: our blog
address is circled in red.
 When we started our little blog we thought we might get a few hundred hits from family members.  We never would have imagined how many people from around the world would notice.  Although we've been trying to keep track of all the places people are from, we might need a bigger map.

When Mrs. Swelander returned home from school today she realized just how big our revolution is getting.

Mrs Swelander says "Thank you everyone for all the support, but it really is my students who have been leading the way.  We are so lucky to live in an city where the change is as simple as teaching others about what we know. I also want to point out that what we're doing is being done by teachers all over the world.  The only difference is that instead of writing in our journals, we've made our thoughts public.  The world is certainly smaller when the response is immediate."
This is from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Community Page.

How could we know that a little health lesson would turn into a social networking experiment?  Mrs. Swelander has had to learn how to use Blogger very fast.  We have been reading all the comments.

With all the attention today, it was tricky to stay on task and learn other things,  but we did a lot of math and map reading.  It is very interesting to find all the countries on the world map.

We are off school until Tuesday, April 26, but be sure to check back with us.  There will be LOTS of exciting news to follow on The Milk Revolution!

Thank you for all your support!


  1. The Milk revolution? I like it. :D

  2. Dear Grade 4s,
    This is so amazing! I think it's a great revolution you've started. I hope you can "milk"
    all this attention and educate many people! Way to go Westglen! I will share the news with my City Hall School students. Mrs. Hut

  3. Great job! Keep up the good work! I wrote a song for your Milk Revolution: Feel free to post it up on your website. :-)

  4. I can hardly wait for you to hear Kristilyn's song. She is a local artist who wrote "One Glass at a Time" just for you. It is amazing to read about the impact you are having. I wonder what will happen next.

  5. Way to go Grade 4! I showed my parents your blog over the Easter weekend and they were amazed at what you have started. I can't wait to share your blog with my Grade 2 class on Tuesday!

  6. Congratulations, Grade 4s, on getting picked up by Jamie Oliver. Keep us posted on how the revolution is going. This is important work you are doing for the Westglen students and the community.

  7. way to go grade4's you have been approved by Jamie Oliver and other who visit you almost daily for his website.
